Beiträge von palex00


    Tut es.


    Might as
    well put my reply here, it should be easy for all to see. Sorry I got to
    this so late, I was at a family thing. Also, thanks for the kind words,
    and I'm impressed by the maturity in this thread. Much preferred to
    personal attacks!

    I'll see if I can sum all of this up really clearly so that there's no confusion.

    What happened? First, a random tweet in the middle
    of a conversation, an offhanded comment by me about many servers with
    VIP violating the EULA. I see a lot of customer support emails that
    start with "I spent $150 on your game..." and I was a bit exasperated.

    About the same time, I PM'd one of my friends who runs a big server
    host, and told him to knock off using our art assets on their sales
    page. He said "well what about this other host that's doing it?", to
    which I said, "Fine, I'll tell them too." I did so casually over
    Twitter, and that host too said they'd change things, and the casual
    poke was appreciated (otherwise it'd go to a support person who works on
    brands issues, which ends up a bit more formal). I should have DM'd
    this, and that was my mistake.

    Some people also jumped to the conclusion that because I reminded a
    server host that they were using art assets commercially, that I was
    shutting down server hosts so that Realms could be the only server host.
    That's insane. Not only is that not my job (I answer your questions for
    a living), but having a monopoly is NOT the company's intent.

    What's changed? Nothing, actually. In terms of
    server stuff, it's always been against the EULA to do something like,
    sell 64 diamond blocks for $64. You can't buy the game from Mojang, and
    then sell pieces of it back to other players. You can't do this in other
    games either. In terms of copyright/brands/website stuff, takedowns
    have gone out without much discussion for the last few years. This
    usually happens when there's knockoff merchandise, someone runs a
    Minecraft-branded convention and bails, or runs a phishing site that's a
    carbon copy of Mojang's site.

    Why are people upset?
    People are upset because some took one or both of the above things to
    mean that Mojang had started to regulate servers, would cut off revenue
    streams for server owners, and collapse the multiplayer Minecraft
    community overnight. People keep asking me why I don't get this, and in
    fact, I do get this. I wrote an internal report about how money flows in
    secondary Minecraft markets almost a year ago now. I get it. There are
    some servers that violate the EULA, and there are some that don't.
    AFAIK, it's not been enforced in the past, and none of my comments
    should be interpreted as anything has changed. Think of it like
    jaywalking: even if you've never been talked to about it, it's still
    against the rules. If anything does change, I think that we owe it to
    the playerbase to let them know in advance. Things could change in the future as the EULA catches up to where things stand right now.

    (Also, selling items directly is just lazy. So is, for the most part,
    selling ranks. It's becoming like the mobile microtransactions market:
    dependent upon the small percentage of players that will spend the big
    bucks, thereby creating an economy built on microtransactions, and a
    sort of caste system of haves and have nots. I know server admins can be
    more creative.)

    What happens now/What about X feature on a server?
    The Minecraft community has come up with some amazing creations. A few
    years ago, I don't know that people would have guessed that there'd be
    massive server clusters hosting 20,000 people at the same time. As the
    community grows and changes, the company does too. The EULA is a bit
    different than it was a few years ago, and will need to be periodically
    updated. I don't write the EULA, but I am one of the people occasionally
    asked for feedback when it comes to things like modding or servers, and
    I try to provide the viewpoints that people tweet at me or email
    support. I'm in favor of a rich and robust Minecraft community, and
    those who know me know that when I approached Mojang for a job 2.5 years
    ago, it was as someone who played a TON of Minecraft.

    There are some grey areas right now. People ask questions like, what
    about ranks, or an in-game currency, or modded items? Things that don't
    exist in the game? The EULA could stand to be updated a bit, and I'd
    like to see these things clarified in the future. If you have specific
    questions about a feature on a server, please email support and we'll do our best to help out.

    Who are you again? For the most part, I answer
    support questions. Despite what some have said, I'm not a developer, I'm
    not the boss of anything, and I don't write our EULA. I try to answer
    questions quickly and accurately, and you can usually find me responding
    to questions sent to my personal Twitter account all throughout the
    week, at all kinds of crazy hours. I do it because for the most part,
    Minecrafters are awesome, and it's led to a lot of great discussions.


    Es ist illegal für echtes Geld Items im Spiel anzubieten. Und das tut man mit /kit dia.

    Hoffentlich verklagt euch wer x3…ing_a_diamond_sword_on_a/

    Da hat das rote Pferd sich einfach umgedreht und hat mit seinem Schwanz die Fliege abgewehrt, die Fliege war nicht dumm sie machte
    sumSumSum und flog mit viel Gebrumm ums rote Pferd herum.
    Strophe 2! Da hat das gelbe Pferd sich einfach umgedreht und hat mit seinem Huf den Eimer ausgeleert, der Eimer war noch voll, das fand das Pferd so toll und tanzte Rock'n'Roll in Dur und in Moll!
    Und jetzt alle :D... ne scherz, das waren alle

    🙂 Hihi..
    so was habe ich mal eingefangen.
    Das war der April-Scherz von MineCraft (da konnte man sie jedenfalls sehen) ^^
    Ebenfalls mit dem /summon CMD machbar. Vielleicht hat ja Bedah damit rumgespielt...

    Auch lustig: Ein Enderdragon reitet auf einem Chicken oder einer Fledermaus ^^

    Auf nimmer Wiedersehen, liebe LMC-Gemeinde
    Bei einzelnen Leuten habe ich mich schon per /mail verabschiedet.
    Hier möchte ich nur sagen, dass ich wahrscheinlich nie wieder onkommen werde. Hab ja eh 3 Wochen Jail und Mute, also was solls.
    Was dazu geführt hat, darf ich nicht sagen, da Bedah mich sonst vollends bannen würde.
    Auf nimmer Wiedersehen
    Mit traurigen Grüßen,

    Also als erstes: Hihi ^^ Gewonnen. Den Pokal habe ich mir sofort an meine Wand gehängt ^^

    Als Zweites: Epische. Stadt. Sie ist bis ins kleinste Detail verarbeitet, das Hexenhaus ist sehr cool gestaltet und der Brunnen hat mich am Anfang einfach nur geflasht! Ich selbst habe vor wenigen Wochen noch dort geholfen Wood weg zu Klippen und Ich habe tiefsten Respekt, wie schnell es sich sich alles verändert hat! Ich empfehle jedem Kenner der Schönheit der Natur sich dort ein GS zu kaufen!

    Vllt. Könnten du und deine Stadtbauer bei PigNikkEnt. Für Maps anheuern ^^ hihi


    Nein! :(
    Er war der lustigste, coolste und zahlrigste Teamler, den ich je kannte...
    Ruhe in Frieden.
    Hoffe, du besuchst uns trotzdem irgendwann nocheinmal.

    Ist es, allerdings darf die App keine "Fremdwerbung" enthalten.
    Heißt: Sie darf nicht sagen "connected via X/Y". (Ich glaube, bei Apple-Produkten gibt es nur eine, weswegen es erlaubt ist, (Hat mal 66 gesagt).
    Für Android: "MC Chat Lite"
    Für Apple: Ich habe keine Ahnung :D


    Leider Moritz, kannst du dich nur maximal für einen Monat am Stück "abmelden".
    Nach diesem Monat musst du erneut einen Beitrag schreiben, bzw hier eine Verlängerung um wieder einen Monat posten.
    Wenn du 2 Monate nicht auf dem Server bist, werden leider deine GS beschlagnahmt.
    Allerdings weiß ich nicht, ob "da sein" nur 3 Sekunden oder ne Stunde (also "Aktiv") ist.